Client: Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation (SDC)
The project aimed to contribute to the process of the capitalization
of experiences acquired during the 10 years of Swiss assistance for the
Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR) domain in Bulgaria.
The goal was to formulate lessons learned for the SDC employees working
in the field of SMNR and to develop ideas for future initiatives for the
Bulgarian partner organizations.
The following 5 projects, part of SDC SMNR portfolio in Bulgaria, were
main object of the study and capitalization exercise:
– Swiss Forestry Programme
of air pollution affecting the forest
Rare Indigenous
Breeds Project
Support to
Organic Agriculture Partnership
– Swiss Biodiversity Conservation Programme (BSBCP) and than "Pro-Biodiversity
Partnerships: Nature Beyond Conservation" – support to Bulgarian
Biodiversity Foundation (BBF) project
Our tasks included:
Support for
elaboration of the methodological tools for the review of documents and
the synthesis of the self-assessments through questionnaires and interviews;
Data collection
trough review of the projects` documentation of the five listed above
of questionnaires to selected stakeholders;
of interviews and selected field visits in Bulgaria and analysis / synthesis
of answers;
in half a day workshop in Switzerland on crosschecking positions/results
from the interviews and discussing and analyzing the overall lessons learnt.
Preparation of feed beck from the WS;
of a capitalization workshop in Bulgaria;
of overall lessons learned;
in the elaboration of the Final Report.