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EU Project: Trans-Boundary River Management Phase II for the Kura River basin – Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan

Client: EU Commission trough EPTISA Servicios de Ingenieria S.A.(Spain) & Grontmij Carl Bro A.S.(Denmark) Consortium

The 30 month TACIS’ Project for technical assistance aims to enhance the capacities of environmental authorities and monitoring establishments in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan engaged in long-term integrated water resource management in the Kura River Basin. The Project is helping the ministries of environment, the agencies and monitoring laboratories to implement the methodology of the European Water Frame Directive (WFD).

The main goals of the project are:
The main goal is to establish and develop trans-border co-operation capable of achieving and applying long term world standards for water protection in South Caucasus. Hence, the three countries shall be able to meet challenges related to their modern social and economic development. The technical assistance is meant to improve the co-operation between and capacity of national monitoring laboratories which measure natural rivers’ water quality under EU methodology. Water specialists from the three countries, stake holders, and water users of the five pilot sub-catchments of the Kura River Basin, are receiving assistance for the preparation of River Management Plans. Beside characterisation of the river basins, plans include measures for water bodies at risk. They’ll help national governments and local authorities in solving traunsboundary problems such as deterioration of water quality, variation and reduction of hydrological flow, ecosystem degradation, floods and soil degradation in the Kura river basin.

Our responsibilities include providing a Key Social and Stake Holders’ Involvement Expert who is responsible for:
The creation of Strategic Guidelines for Public participation and Social involvement;
Creating a Documentary about the Water Frame Directive implementation in the EU and reporting highlights during the project implementation period;
Raising Public Awareness about EU WFD, stake holders involvement and the general public role in the process;
Publications about Pilot River Basins unique biodiversity.

You will find more information about this project here. View this blog too.

